matronic Statement regarding Corona-Virus, Covid-19 Pandemic Dec., 15, 2020
Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Business Partners,
To date, not a single COVID19 infection or suspected case has occurred in our company.
Out of a sense of responsibility towards our employees and their families, we are constantly adapting our processes. With measures such as mobile working or changing attendance times at our business premises, we help to keep infection risks low. You can still contact all our staff members under the known contact details.
The 2nd wave of Covid 19 has reached almost all countries and thus their companies and people with increasing infection numbers.
The experience of recent months shows that lockdowns in countries or regions particularly affected by infections can lead to striking disruptions and partial interruptions of supply chains. In many cases serious problems regarding transport, logistics, procurement and production occurred. However due to a labor-intensive crisis management and the good cooperation with our valued manufacturers and longtime suppliers, we were able to minimize delivery bottlenecks effectively. We hope to successfully continue this approach in the future as well.
Information is currently emerging that lockdowns in many countries are not only leading to problems affecting transport, logistics and procurement, but are also having a severe impact on manufacturers and their production capacities. Several manufacturers are already reporting drastically increasing lead times.
Please contact the manufacturers for more information and see their websites for any reports or official statements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. See also the following links:
We hereby warn you once again against possible future supply bottlenecks.
Please help to avoid the risk of increasing lead times and supply shortages and therefore please schedule your orders foresightedly. Early orders can be coordinated even better with our suppliers.
Stay health – with kind regards
matronic GmbH & Co. Electronic Distribution KG
– Management
Statement Allegro
Statement NCC
Statement TDK-Micronas
Statement BMZ
Statement MEMSIC
Statement ACEINNA